Level 3 Wine Club

So… The Question On Your Mind Is…

Why on earth would I want to join the wine club? Well, it’s really all about the math.

We made 100 cases each of the three blends. So, 100 X 3 = 300. We’re going to ship six bottles of wine twice a year. 6 X 2 = 12 bottles or one case. 300 people sign up for the club… 300 cases – 300 people = no wine for you.

To complicate things more, there is the option to have us ship you 12 bottles twice a year, which means there could be less than 300 memberships available! Then add the fact that Susan and I are going to drink some… see where this is going?

Now, if you’re a risk taker by nature you could take the chance that not all the memberships will be filled and there will be some wine left for you. You could do that… but… do you really want to be “that guy” who is on the waiting list or do you want to be one of the cool kids that has the wine?

Seriously… We just want to make the point that there is very little wine to go around and we’re grateful for your support and if you want to be a part of Level 3 we don’t want you to miss out.

So Here’s The Wine Club…

Twice a year, in the Spring and the Fall we will send a shipment. You can decide at the time of sign-up whether to receive 3 bottles, 6 bottles, or 12 bottles made up equally of the three blends. As a member of the 12 or 6 bottle club you will receive a 30% discount on all wine purchases. The three bottle membership receives a 15% discount.

In October we will have a “Pick-Up” party where you can come and have fun and we can catch up on all things important and not. We are still in the process of trying to figure out the logistics of such a shindig, but we’ll let you know when we have it figured out.

My Attorney Wants You To Know…

There is no fee to join the club and you can cancel anytime for free after you have accepted one shipment. You must cancel your membership thirty (30) days prior to a shipment.



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Terms and Conditions

SOMEONE 21 OR OLDER WILL HAVE TO SIGN FOR THE WINE WHEN IT'S DELIVERED. You must cancel your membership thirty (30) days prior to a shipment. You MUST be twenty-one (21) years of age or older to join Level 3 Wine Club. You MUST be twenty-one (21) years of age or older to order wine and have it shipped to you. Proof of age will be checked when our wine is delivered to you. Trust me FedEx and UPS have no sense of humor, and for that matter neither do we, when it comes to this subject. Title on ALL purchases transfers to the purchaser (that’s you) upon payment. Payment is considered complete when your credit card is given an authorization number or your check has cleared. Shipping of products is a service you have authorized us (Level 3 Wines) to perform as your agent. It is incumbent upon you to make sure you are abiding by all laws in your state, county, and city pertaining to the purchase and importation of alcoholic beverages.

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